Not ready for prime time

Watching Nikki Haley running for the presidential nomination on the Republican side, is a remarkable experience. I say this because just when one thinks she’s learning to adapt, she says something so utterly ridiculous that one can hardly believe it.
Appearing on the Breakfast Club podcast, Haley eagerly said if the state of Texas wants to secede they have the right to do just that in a Haley Administration. “I mean, that’s their decision to make.” They can do that, Haley exclaimed. No, they can’t. The reason they can’t is because there’s no provision allowing any state to up and quit the union at will.
“See ya!” That is NOT a thing. We are, for all intents and purposes stuck together as a 50 State Country I’d like it to be a 52 State country as I’d like to see DC and Puerto Rico become states, but that’s neither here nor there.
The bottom line is if I know this Haley should know this. It appears she does not know this.
Haley also refused to say the United States has ever been or is a racist country. And it’s not like the podcast host didn’t try . They did. But Haley, even though she’s finally acknowledged that something called slavery did, in fact, exist, refuses to say that our country has ever been racist, causing millions of eyebrows to raise, including, of course, the eyebrows of this writer.
I really do think what all of this has shown in reference to Haley is that she’s simply not ready for prime time.
Yes, I enjoy watching her rip senile Trump, a new one, but that is definitely not enough to be President of the United States and if one is running to be president of the United States, they really should know ABOUT these states, and what guidelines are in place for the states, and allowing any state to secede at will definitely is not one of them.