No wonder the DOJ just hired all those new January 6th prosecutors

Our beautiful country filled with bright lights, multi-cultural voices, and vibrant ideas suffered a terrible blow on January 6, 2021. This was the day a coal-dark smudge blighted the portrait of this grand experiment we call America. And right now, a priority must be to bring these traitors — AMERICAN traitors to justice.

It would appear the Justice Department agrees. This might be why they are seeking $34.1 million to hire 131 more lawyers to aid them in the January 6 investigation. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco had this to say about the efforts: “regardless of whatever resources we seek or get, let’s be very, very clear.”

“We are going to continue to do those cases. We are going to hold those perpetrators accountable, no matter where the facts lead us, and as the attorney general has said, no matter what level. We will do those cases.”

This is good news for us. This is an incredibly complicated investigation where much help is needed. This is not the sort of investigation that can be wrapped up in months. Watergate took years, and so will the January 6 investigation (it was just revealed that the DOJ has had a January 6th grand jury going against Trump world for two months).

I know some of you do not believe in Merrick Garland.That’s fine. But I do. And I think that there is so much that we don’t know, so many things that will emerge as the months go by.

I believe what we have seen is just the tip of the iceberg. As I said, the American experiment suffered severe trauma on January 6. This was at the hands of American outlaws, terrorists who sought the collapse of everything we hold dear. Justice moves slowly, but it moves. And I believe that with time and patience, the outlaws — all of them — will look justice in the eye.

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