No, the DOJ doesn’t have to wait until after the midterms to indict Donald Trump

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

We knew this was coming. In fact we warned you that it was likely to happen. Now that the DOJ’s forty page court filing has made clear that it has Donald Trump by the you know what, his indictment could come at any time. So naturally, the media has found a way to run with the defeatist narrative that โ€“ for no good reason โ€“ the DOJ will wait until after the midterm to indict Trump.

This new narrative, being reported by Bloomberg and parroted elsewhere, starts off with the authoritative-sounding headline “DOJ Is Likely to Wait Past Midterms to Reveal Any Trump Charges.” But the sourcing is then credited to “people familiar” โ€“ not people familiar with anything specific, mind you, simply “people familiar.”

The Bloomberg story then goes on to merely say that due to the DOJ’s policy of not taking action to help a candidate or party within 60 days of an election, it’s “unlikely anything would be announced until after Nov. 8.” Wait, that’s all? That’s all that these “people familiar” are basing this on? This suggests these “people familiar” don’t actually seem to know anything that is or isn’t going on.

For the hundredth time โ€“ and we can’t believe we have to keep saying this โ€“ Donald Trump is not a candidate in the 2022 midterm elections. The media has somehow managed to conflate the 2022 and 2024 elections, in an effort to convince us all that because Trump might end up running in the 2024 election, this means he can’t be indicted anywhere near the 2022 election. This is laugh out loud silly. It’s not how anything works.

But hey, “people familiar” are telling Bloomberg that the DOJ is “likely” to wait until after the midterms for no good reason just to indict Trump. Then again, that same Bloomberg article goes on to admit that “To be sure, the department has ignored that policy in recent years with moves interpreted as political interference.” The article then goes on to admit that these sources don’t even know whether the DOJ is going to be in a position to indict Trump before the midterms. If these sources are that far removed from the DOJ’s actual Trump investigation, then they can’t possibly have any idea what position the people running the DOJ’s Trump investigation are taking on this “60 day” rule.

In other words, this is merely yet another instance of the mainstream media peddling the kind of fear and outrage porn that it knows will get clicks and TV bookings, even if the sourcing is a bunch of crap from people who pretty clearly aren’t even directly involved in the Trump case. We knew the media would pull this kind of crap. But it’s mind blowing nonetheless.

Meanwhile back in the real world, Trump will be indicted when the DOJ decides to indict him. That could be next week or next year. But this kind of fear mongering, from “people familiar” who turn out to not even be “familiar” with the DOJ’s Trump probe, is best ignored.

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.