Nice try Donald…

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I’m sure you’ve heard about the state of Louisiana and its appalling decision to mandate the Ten Commandments be displayed in school classrooms. This will undoubtedly be challenged. But there is one person celebrating this decision; one cognitively impaled convicted felon who posted his support for this new law late at night.

I love the Ten Commandments,” a hazy-brained Trump posted on Truth Social. “Read it.”

“How can we go wrong?”

“Bring back TTC! MAGA2024.”

Such a lot to unpack in this miserable little posting! Donald Trump has no use for religion. We know this. Once, in the past, he claimed his favorite book was The Bible and then couldn’t name one passage from it. I suspect he has never read it.

But here is something that genuinely shows Trump’s hypocrisy on the matter.

Let’s look at SOME of these ten commandments, shall we?

“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”

Hmmm. Trump has violated THIS commandment. He sees himself above everyone — even God himself.

“Thou shall not kill.”

Trump has the blood of many on his hands, particularly all the people who did not get the Jab and who died, not knowing their master and commander had told them a massive lie.

“Thou shalt not commit adultery.”

Do I even have to comment on this one?

“Thou shalt not steal.”

Trump stole precious classified documents. He stole the souls of many. He also tried to steal democracy. That counts as a violation of this particular commandment.

“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”

This one is about — lying. Lying is called “bearing false witness.”

Do you think Donald’s ever lied before? (This is asked tongue in cheek.)

And last but certainly not least:

“Thou shalt not covet.”

Donald Trump’s SOUL is about coveting. He is the quintessential boy with his hand in the cookie jar, the little child peering into the candy store, the envy king railing against those who have something he wants.

Donald John Trump has never practiced any of these commandments. He is the embodiment of someone who regularly breaks them.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report