Here’s who Robert Mueller is going to arrest next

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Special Counsel Robert Mueller has hit a quiet stretch when it comes to his publicly visible indictments and arrests in the Trump-Russia scandal, even as he’s made other kinds of moves that have given away a lot about what he’s plotting behind the scenes. So who’s getting arrested next in Trump-Russia? Here are some hints.

Roger Stone:Weeks ago, longtime Donald Trump adviser Sam Nunberg announced on cable news that he’d been subpoenaed for a Mueller grand jury targeting Roger Stone and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, among others. It was then revealed that Mueller had at least one other cooperating witness against Stone. Now Mueller has detained Stone associate Ted Malloch and subpoenaed him to testify against Stone. With the grand jury already well underway, and cooperating witnesses against Stone mounting almost daily, the indictment against Stone should arrive soon. No wonder Stone is melting down.

Julian Assange: It’s seemed fairly evident for awhile that Mueller is looking to indict Assange as part of the grand jury he has going against Roger Stone. But how do you arrest a guy who’s found asylum in a foreign embassy? That all changed this week when Mueller detained Malloch and began asking him about Assange, on the same day the Ecuadorian Embassy began cracking down on Assange. We now suspect Ecuador will turn over Assange to Mueller for arrest, once he’s been indicted.

Jared Kushner: There’s too much smoke here. Kushner’s pay-to-play deals ranging from U.S. based investors to the United Arab Emirates. George Nader’s decision to flip, and his ties to UAE. We still expect Mueller is trying to get Kushner to agree to a plea deal against Trump, which he’ll have to take eventually unless he wants to risk spending the rest of his life in prison. At this point the potential for an amicably negotiated deal may be the only reason we haven’t yet seen Kushner in handcuffs.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report