Donald Trump never had a clue

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I told you from day one that Trump never had a plan. He fell into office sideways and then did absolutely nothing to help his cause. Pundits on both sides insisted he was an evil genius strategist. But he’s just an inept bumbler, not even a competent villain.

That’s obvious now to everyone. Trump entered office with an approval rating that was way too low to translate into any real political muscle, and way too low to get him reelected. He never did have a clue how to get his approval rating up to the necessary range to give him any chance of achieving his goals.

Trump ultimately had no clue how to win the 2020 election, no clue how to overturn his loss, and no clue how to fend off the criminal charges that are closing in on him. The guy never did have a plan, and all of the available the evidence made that obvious from day one.

It raises all kinds of questions about why the mainstream media tried to portray Donald Trump as some kind of secret evil genius from the day he took office, and why the media largely stuck with that perception even as it became more painfully clear that Trump had absolutely no strategy or plan.

Did the media really stick with the fictional evil genius version of Trump the whole time, simply because it was good for ratings? If so, there needs to be a reckoning about honesty in the mainstream media now more than ever.

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