Nevada primary already looking ugly for the GOP

Last week, the Republican National Committee tried handing a lifeline to the former guy (although it’s likely that part of the reason had to do with the fact that they’re deep in debt and didn’t want to spend more money) by canceling future Republican primaries and just declaring Donald Trump their nominee for president. This caused some panic on social media, even if the bid was fairly short lived. It’s not clear whether or not this was being pushed by Trump’s allies, but even Trump himself came out against it (largely due to the backlash against it), and the RNC quietly shelved it.

Now we’re beginning to see why it might have been proposed in the first place. Despite Donald Trump being touted as an electoral juggernaut for Republicans, the first day of early voting in the 2024 Nevada primary left a lot to be desired for the GOP.

In the Silver State, Trump is the only candidate on the Republican ballot, with Nikki Haley refusing to file after Nevada dropped its traditional caucus format, and yet Republicans were outnumbered by Democrats: 49k votes to 35k votes. Keep in mind, President Biden is largely running unopposed in this election and yet Democrats are already coming out overwhelmingly in support of him. Even worse, this is a trend holding steady for Trump after two considerable underperformances.

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