Donald Trump idiotically exposes secret Navy SEAL mission during his Iraq visit

Just when you think Donald Trump’s desperate and stunt-like visit to Iraq can’t get any worse, it has. Trump finally visited U.S. troops in a conflict zone for the first time ever, in an effort to distract from his worsening bone spurs scandal and the resignation of General James Mattis. And yes, Trump told the troops they’d gotten a big pay raise that doesn’t exist. But he also managed to expose a secret military mission by being careless on Twitter.

It turns out the Iraq trip was so poorly and carelessly slapped together by Donald Trump and his White House, they followed no protocols about which troops he was seen visiting with. In a self-congratulatory video posted to Trump’s Twitter account, he’s seen mingling with members of SEAL Team Five. The trouble: according to a lengthy expose by Newsweek tonight, SEAL Team Five’s presence in Iraq was classified. But it didn’t stop there.

In case America’s enemies weren’t paying close enough attention to Donald Trump’s Twitter account, he also took a selfie with the chaplain for SEAL Team Five. To be clear, absolutely none of this is remotely the fault of any of the U.S. personnel on the ground in Iraq. They take orders from “President” Donald Trump, and they were merely following his lead.

Now that the secret Navy SEAL mission in Iraq has been exposed by Donald Trump’s narcissism and opportunist incompetence, it’s a given that their mission there will be more difficult and/or dangerous; secret missions are kept secret for a reason. This is on top of the fact that Trump committed treason by conspiring with Russia to rig the election, and isn ‘t the “President” of anything.

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