Nancy Pelosi just nailed it

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Speaker Nancy Pelosi now says the Democrats “will win” the midterms if we all put in the work required to win. She’s considered one of the great political strategists of this era – and she clearly doesn’t believe that defeatism helps things.

Each time the media decides to chase ratings by trotting out its usual “Democrats are doomed in the midterms” or “Democrats in disarray” narratives, and I call out the media for the inaccuracy of these narratives, even some folks on our side try to shush me. They insist that the media is somehow doing us a favor by pretending we’re going to lose, because this is somehow going to cause us to… win?

It makes no sense at all, of course. And now no less than Nancy Pelosi is reminding us that you win by talking about how you’re going to win, not by talking about how you’re going to lose. First you decide that you want to win, then you decide that you’re going to win, then you put in the work required to win, and then there’s a good chance you’ll win. These “we’re gonna lose no matter what” narratives are just an excuse to lazily not have to put in the work required to win.

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