House Democrats reveal they have Donald Trump nailed for treason

Today we learned that when Donald Trump Jr met with the Russians at Trump Tower during the election to conspire against Hillary Clinton, he was in fact meeting with a Russian government spy. Donald Trump’s Republican puppets on the House Intelligence Committee tried to distract from this by releasing a phony report declaring “No Collusion.” This immediately backfired, as it freed up the leading Democrat on the committee to reveal that Donald Trump himself was tied to that Trump Tower meeting.

Donald Trump Jr met with Natalia Veselnitskaya, who is now admitting in an interview that she is a Russian government “informant,” which is a nice way of saying that she’s a Russian government spy. It turns out the story is even uglier. House Intel Committee ranking member Adam Schiff has revealed today that just before Donald Trump Jr headed into his meeting with the Russian spy, he took a phone call from a blocked number. The Democrats on the committee wanted to investigate further, but the Republican majority on the committee prevented it.

There would be no reason for Trump’s Republican puppets on the committee to have stood in the way of this, unless they knew that the blocked phone call was from Donald Trump himself. In other words, Donald Trump conspired with his son and the Russians to try to alter the outcome of the election. That makes Donald Trump Sr and Jr guilty of treason if the Russian hacking can be legally defined as an act of cyber war, or the peacetime equivalent charge, Conspiracy against the United States.

Although the Democrats on the House Intel Committee were blocked from subpoenaing Donald Trump Jr’s phone records, there is no doubt that they would have passed this on to Special Counsel Robert Mueller. He’s surely followed up on it one way or the other. In other words, Mueller has Donald Trump and his son nailed for crimes against the United States. The only question is how far along he is in building those complex criminal cases, and how close he is to arresting Junior in order to force Senior’s hand.

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