Robert Mueller is about to drop his final hammer

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We’ve been waiting months for it to finally happen. Even when it finally did officially land on the schedule, we ended up having to wait an extra week for it to arrive. But now it’s here: this is the week that Special Counsel Robert Mueller publicly testifies about his investigation into Donald Trump’s crimes.

You should be excited. Robert Mueller’s four hundred page report is a damning expose on Donald Trump’s crimes, making clear that Trump is a career criminal who only won the election by cheating, and that he’s continued his crime spree since illegitimately taking office. Of course almost no one reads a four hundred page report, so very few people are aware of what Mueller even found. Now Mueller is about to appear on television, the most easily digestible medium we have, and spell out Trump’s crimes in bite sized five-minute answers.

You should also temper your excitement to a degree. Robert Mueller has a long history of saying as little as necessary while testifying before Congress, and that won’t change now. Mueller has already made clear that he won’t give any answers that go beyond what’s in his report, which means he won’t say whether he believes Trump’s antics rise to the level of felony obstruction of justice. He won’t say that the endless instances of collusion between Trump and Russia meet the legal definition of anything. He won’t go there, even when pressed.

But Robert Mueller’s testimony doesn’t have to include him saying that Donald Trump is guilty, in order for it to be effective. He’s going to spell out instance after instance of Trump doing things that the average person can grasp are criminal, immoral, or just plain inappropriate. Most importantly, it’ll be on television, where even the people who don’t generally care about political matters will tune in just to see what all the easily digestible fuss is all about. Mueller is set to testify this Wednesday, and it’ll air on every cable news network.

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