Kirstjen Nielsen opens her mouth and screws up Donald Trump’s child cage scheme

Under intense public pressure, Donald Trump signed an executive order yesterday which he claimed would bring an end to his demented policy of abducting immigrant children from their parents and putting them in cages. Keen observers quickly spotted loopholes in the EO which could be used to continue abusing children, but the Trump regime was clearly hoping the general public watching at home wouldn’t catch on. Then Trump’s Homeland Security Director Kirstjen Nielsen made the mistake of opening her mouth about it, and she just blew the whole thing.

Nielsen privately briefed both the Republican chair and the Democratic ranking member of the House Appropriations Committee about the Trump regime’s plan to continue separating kids from their parents. This was a strategic error on her part, because it alerted the Democrats to what Trump and Nielsen are really trying to do. Adam Schiff, the Democratic ranking member for the House Intel Committee, promptly went public about it.

Schiff posted this on Twitter, along with photos of the documents as proof: “Secretary Nielsen privately told lawmakers the Administration may go back to separating children from their parents. Congress must ensure that NEVER happens. I’m urging the House Appropriations Committee to prevent funds from ever being used to separate families entering the US.”

The mainstream media will quickly pick up on this and inform the general public that Donald Trump’s executive order is indeed a sham, and that kids are still going to be kidnapped and locked in cages. That means the fight is still on, and the public pushback will only serve to grow. Usually it’s Trump himself, or motormouth Rudy Giuliani, who gives away the secret plan. This time it was, somewhat surprisingly, Kirstjen Nielsen. This suggests that she’s cracking under the pressure.

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