More bad news for Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg

As we speak, the Manhattan District Attorney is in the process of having a grand jury criminally indict Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg over his personal finances, in an effort to push him into flipping on Donald Trump and the Trump family. Now it turns out Weisselberg could face criminal charges in two different jurisdictions.

Jennifer Weisselberg has revealed that her ex-father in law Allen Weisselberg committed perjury in his testimony in the Washington DC Attorney General’s investigation of the Trump inaugural committee scandal. That started off as a civil probe. But if Jennifer has given the DC Attorney General proof that Allen committed perjury, that could translate to criminal charges against Allen.

We’ve already seen the New York Attorney General’s civil probe into the Trump Organization turn into a criminal one, so there’s plenty of precedent for the Washington DC Attorney General’s civil probe of the Trump inaugural to turn into a criminal one.

Of course at this stage it isn’t about trying to amass enough evidence to convict Allen Weisselberg. It’s about amassing so much evidence that even he realizes he’s going to be convicted, and cuts a plea deal against the Trump family in order to avoid or reduce his prison time. Pending criminal charges from two different jurisdictions would certainly help ratchet up the pressure on Weisselberg.

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