Donald Trump has complete meltdown as he flees New York City

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If there’s one thing Donald Trump wants you to know about him, it’s that he thinks building a wall on the southern border will somehow make us all safer, even though there isn’t one knowledgeable person who agrees with him. Of course the border wall has always been about stirring up racist sentiment and funneling money into his own pocket, and Trump reminded us of that when he forcefully came out against a different kind of wall today.

Donald Trump has decided to flee New York in favor of becoming an official resident of Florida, apparently because he’s under the mistaken impression that doing so will prevent New York State from bringing criminal charges against him once he’s gone from office. Now he’s trying to taunt New Yorkers with this scientifically invalid and completely incoherent tweet:

A massive 200 Billion Dollar Sea Wall, built around New York to protect it from rare storms, is a costly, foolish & environmentally unfriendly idea that, when needed, probably won’t work anyway. It will also look terrible. Sorry, you’ll just have to get your mops & buckets ready!

What kind of deranged infantile clown tweets this kind of garbage? This guy is supposed to be the President of the United States. Yet he clearly hates everyone in the United States who believes in science, or believes in engineering, or lives in any blue state, or lives in New York City in particular. The kicker is that once Trump is eventually arrested by New York State, he’ll likely be held at Rikers Island in New York City while he awaits trial. Maybe he should be rooting for that sea wall after all.

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