Mo Brooks is the smoking gun

Mo Brooks’ embarrassing and pathetic unendorsement by Trump is simply the inevitable logical conclusion in the tyrant’s playbook. No surprise there. But that Brooks could be a US lawyer and have countenanced the kind of conversations he must’ve had with Trump regarding Brooks’ latest statement is beyond belief. Of course, everything around Trump is unbelievable and if we hadn’t had to endure it for so many years, we wouldn’t be here. The really stunning thing is that Brooks refused to comply when Trump demanded he overturn the election and remove Biden.

The January 6th Committee needs to get Brooks before them ASAP. Clearly Mo Brooks is the smoking gun – one of several, we’re sure – to definitively tie Trump to the insurrection at the Capitol and to treason.

The interesting thing here though isn’t that Mo Brooks is a bootlicking little creep; we’ve always known that. But it’s the timing of his statement. And the timing in his statement. Not only is Mo Brooks just now mentioning a crime that is over a year old, but he’s also clearly stating that Trump asked him to overturn the election after January 6th.

Think about that. We’ve been so sure that Trump was behind the January 6th insurrection (because, of course!) that we’ve almost lost the plot here. Trump didn’t just want the election overturned by the will of the people, hence his justification for January 6th, but he wanted to overturn it just by his own demands. And clearly, there were those who were actually countenancing such a thing.

This is terrifying. We’ve got to get laws into action here and legislate more of them on our elected officials. The corruption of the Republican Party is a rot that goes so deep, it’s doubtful Merrick Garland has enough prosecutors to go after them all, but we’ve got to do it. Our country, our Constitution, depends on it more than ever. While people in Ukraine are fighting for their lives, it’s our duty to show the world that democracy works.

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