Mitch McConnell just screwed up big time

The turtle is getting tired. And the turtle has just — to put it nicely — put his foot in his mouth — very, very badly. To put it NOT-so-nicely — Senator Moscow Mitch McConnell just screwed up big-time, throwing away his tortoiseshell.

And now he has let the real snapper of his racist persona shine on through. It all started with a conversation on voting rights. A reporter asked Moscow Mitch about the fears and concerns of voters of color.

Here is what the turtle had to say about it all: “Well, the concern is misplaced because if you look at the statistics, African American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans.” WHAT?

And so the turtle, in all his GOP glory, managed, within a few lightning seconds, to piss off millions of people everywhere as well as give the Democrats one heck of a commercial for the midterm elections.

Faster than one could say, “The turtle screwed up,” people fired off furious responses. One of those responses is still going on. It is on Twitter and is being tweeted out by people of color who are furious with the turtle.

“I am an American” is the response from thousands — perhaps millions — of enraged tweeters. And it is lighting up Twitter brighter than the brightest Roman Candle. Twitter is blazing with the anger of many toward the lazy turtle. People are furiously calling on Mad Mitch to apologize.

McConnell DID try to clarify, insisting he didn’t mean what he said. He also called the accusations of racism “hurtful.” I imagine that “hurtful” statement is sort of like Son of Sam being indignant that people called him a murderer.

Sigh. They just never learn — do they? So was this a racist dog whistle? If it was, the turtle miscalculated. He miscalculated the rage and the passions. He seems to be slipping, does he not? And now, we will turn out the vote even more — with a bit of help from Moscow Mitch.

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