Mitch McConnell is finally admitting it

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Not long before his passing, Rush Limbaugh, one of the propagandists and all-around awful people who helped make the modern GOP what it is today, admitted that the label of โ€˜fiscal conservatismโ€™ as Republicans describe it, is basically a lie. Republicans only pretend to care about the deficit when thereโ€™s a Democratic president in the White House and then turn a blind eye when Republican presidents run it up considerably.

On Tuesday, GOP leadership decided to do away with yet another one of their sacred cows when he admitted that voter fraud – the not-so-subtle racist rumor that Republicans took over the House with over a decade ago, isnโ€™t an actual concern.

In a rare turn of events, likely the result of his open feud with Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell is now saying that the US is a solid democracy and that voter fraud is not a real concern – a rare event that only happens occasionally – not the large caravans of minority voters flooding the polls in every election in every state as right-wing propagandists would have people believe.

Of course, McConnellโ€™s intentions are likely anything but good – as the most likely explanation for his change of course after using the myth to obstruct a major voting rights bill last year is that heโ€™s trying to make the GOP seem like a reasonable party in the eyes of swing voters. While this is a chance to point out the usual Republican dishonesty and opportunism that weโ€™ve come to expect from them, this maneuver of McConnellโ€™s means we should be working harder than ever to retain the Senate. Republicans have already shown us who they are and how they plan to govern – letโ€™s not let it happen.

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