Mike Pence’s kiss of Judas

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The kiss of Judas, also known as the betrayal of Christ, was given by Judas after the last supper. It was the act of betrayal by Judas. And that phrase has become popular in modern society to describe acts of betrayal that at first “appear to be an act of friendship, which is, in fact, harmful to the recipient.”

And this relates directly to the midterm elections. Because the kiss of Judas is exactly what the GOP will give to women whom, even as I write these words, these Republicans are trying to lure in with false promises of friendship and respect.

You’ve seen, I am sure, the race by many a republican to scrub the word “abortion” from their websites. You’ve seen many of these Republicans lie and try to pretend that they are for abortion exceptions.

A good example of this would be Ohio Senatorial candidate JD Vance. Another good example is little Marco Rubio. Do not fall for it, women. These people are not your friends.

The Republican party lies as easily as they breathe. If you vote for republicans, thinking they’re your “friends” — that they don’t intend to harm you — you’d be walking into a web you will not get out of any time soon.

Consider this tweet from one Mike Pence, former Vice President of the United States: “Come January 22nd, we will have Pro-life majorities in the House and Senate, and we’ll be taking the cause of the right to life to every state house in America.”

Look at that tweet. Allow the words to resonate. And please, women — understand their meaning.

How you vote this November will have serious consequences. So please ask yourselves: do you trust the Republican party? Think about the stories you’ve heard of women who are being forced to carry dead fetuses.

Think about the thirst of Republicans to institute a national abortion ban. Think of your friends, your children, and your grandchildren. Think about THEIR freedoms which will be on the chopping block if the GOP wins.

And remember the kiss of Judas. Remember all the promises made and not kept by the GOP — all the pretty yet vacant words — spilled forth by Republicans. Then vote for Democrats like your freedoms depend on it — because, tragically — they do.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report