Mike Pence’s daughter just made a mess for herself

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Like father, like daughter? This would appear to be so — at least in the case of Mike Pence and daughter Charlotte Pence Bond. As everybody with a functioning brain knows, Covid is still a massive issue in America. It is not over. It is not in the past — despite the lies from dishonest Fox pundits pretending that it is.

But denial seems to run deep in the Pence household. First, we have former Vice President Pence pretending the January 6 insurrection was but a pleasant walk in the park. Now his daughter appears to be attempting to minimize the COVID virus. Per The Independent, Charlotte Pence Bond defiantly posted, on her Instagram, these deeply philosophical words: “Do not comply.”

This was about Covid-19 vaccinations. What a gal! I say, please hush, hush, sweet Charlotte — because it is blatantly apparent you’ve no idea what you’re talking about. Luckily, this ridiculous posting was noted by Lily Grace, who is a physician.

Here is part of what Grace said in response: “The politics of mandates and mandatory vaccinations are debatable, but always consider that people are still dying every day. It’s important to reflect on how you want to come across to those who have had loved ones die, who may have been saved with a shot.”

It looks to me like she does not appear to care how she comes across. This was an irresponsible and disrespectful tweet made by someone who clearly demonstrates ignorance. And given her father, I guess it should not be very surprising.

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