Mike Pence tells Donald Trump that it’s over and he lost

Vice President Mike Pence, in his role as President of the Senate, has no ability to do anything tomorrow beyond perhaps whining loudly while the results are certified. But Donald Trump has pushed Pence to somehow magically give Trump a second term. Now Pence is telling Trump that it’s over.

CNN and the New York Times are both confirming tonight that Mike Pence has informed Donald Trump that he’s lost the election, and that there is nothing Pence can do tomorrow to magically change that. In other words, Pence isn’t even going along with the charade tomorrow.

Of course Pence will still likely use his ceremonial role tomorrow to kiss Trump’s butt. And there are still a dozen or so Republican Senators who plan to hold things up for a few hours tomorrow by holding a silly (and meaningless) debate over the results.

But Trump’s fantasy about somehow magically remaining in office has now become so inconvenient for the people around him that even a sycophant like Mike Pence is cutting his losses. Pence deserves zero points for this; he’s surely only doing it for his own personal political interests. But it’s yet another reminder that Trump is finished.

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