Merrick Garland doesn’t play

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“Speak softly and carry a big stick” is related to President Theodore Roosevelt for his negotiation skills in the face of potentially violent confrontation. The same can be said for Merrick Garland. For months now, we have heard complaints that Garland is doing nothing even though it has repeatedly been said that Garland holds his cards close during an investigation. That appears to be how he handles things based on the warrant executed by the DOJ at Mar-a-Lago. No one knew this was coming but come it did. Now, all the Trump toadies are up in arms, calling Garland’s investigation political, inappropriate, and just plain wrong. The Trumpites began crying out for Garland to release the warrant, and the DOJ has taken steps to do just that.

DOJ investigations typically remain confidential, but because Trump made the information public, the DOJ has moved to unseal the warrant that brought them to Mar-a-Lago. As Politico reported, Garland called their bluff, and in typical Trump-like fashion, they are now afraid of what’s in the warrant. What a bunch of losers! Dealing with them is a classic “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situation, but Garland isn’t scared of them. He went public, stating: “I personally approved the decision to seek a search warrant in this matter.” Garland sought the warrant before a federal magistrate “after making the required finding of ‘probable cause’ that a crime had been committed,” according to Arizona Republic. Well, duh. If it involves Donald Trump, there is likely a crime involved. These people act like Trump is some sort of choir boy. He has spent most of his life perfecting the grift, bilking people out of money. He may have well met his match in AG Merrick Garland.

Trump, of course, is playing the victim, as he always does. It is interesting that one who is so evil and will step on anyone to get what he wants is so quick to play the victim. He is anything but a victim. Ironically, the man he appointed to lead the FBI-Christopher Wray-remains in charge of the Bureau and had to sign off on their involvement, but let’s face it: anyone who has dealt with Trump knows what they’re dealing with. Trump brought all of this on himself by taking things that don’t belong to him. While he has a history of doing that, he has run afoul of something bigger than him-the FBI and the DOJ. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Trump. If you can’t play with the big dogs, don’t go into the fence, but Trump has always seen himself as invincible. Perhaps these latest events will change his opinion of himself, though that is extremely doubtful. He is not only a narcissist, but he is a fool.

Garland’s behavior in this investigation is typical Garland. He quietly goes about his business and sticks to the law. He showed that again in his press conference, and he went further by standing up for the integrity of both the FBI and the DOJ. In street vernacular, Garland don’t play, and now, Trump now knows that.

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