Merrick Garland and his DOJ have been a lot busier than you thought

The Department of Justice is busy. They are investigating the fake elector scheme, which is likely a huge undertaking by itself, but they have now sued Idaho over an almost complete abortion ban that is due to become law on August 25. Though the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the federal government still has some say in how pregnant women are treated medically, and that is the basis upon which this suit was filed. The DOJ is relying on that and are using it to stop states from banning abortion in all cases.

The Idaho law will allow doctors who perform abortions to be criminally prosecuted. This is ridiculous. These people would rather see women revert to backroom abortions, which caused the deaths of many of women. To them, it makes more sense to jail a doctor who can and will safely provide the procedure. There is no doubt that a woman who wants an abortion will get one-no matter how or where, and that is extremely dangerous. This is a war against women by people who want to return us to the dark ages where men ruled everything. We are not going back, and they had best get that through their narrow minds. Attorney General Garland is giving them something to think about.

According to Washington Post, the lawsuit filed by the DOJ outlines several medical conditions that would require a doctor to perform an abortion to save the mother’s life, including ectopic pregnancies-which we have discussed before-and septic infections. During his press conference about the suit, Garland said that the total ban in Idaho could “conflict with federal law” if the hospital from which women seek emergency care accepts Medicare funds, which entitles patients to “any lifesaving treatment.” It is a damned shame that we must go to these lengths about something that should be a private decision between a woman, her family, and her doctor. Garland made it clear when he said: “We will use every tool at our disposal to ensure that pregnant woman get the emergency medical treatment to which they are entitled under federal law.”

Idaho’s attorney general and governor, of course, disagree with AG Garland. They claim that their law is just fine and that they will “defend Idaho’s laws in the face of federal meddling.” It is ludicrous that these men think they know better than a woman what’s best for that woman. It is not only ludicrous, but also insulting. They are insinuating that we cannot think for ourselves nor have enough sense to make life-altering decisions that impact our own bodies and our lives. Apparently, they missed the entire women’s suffrage movement or the continued efforts of women to be treated as equal citizens of this country, and we are. To hell with all of them. It is now our job to vote them all out and replace them with open-minded representation that listens to the people who elected them. Let’s replace them all with women. Then, they can go home and cook and clean and bow down to us.

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