Donald Trump has complete meltdown as his military scandal worsens

We’re now on day three of Donald Trump’s military scandal. It’s still one of the nation’s top headlines, which means it’s not going away any time soon. Additional news outlets keep confirming it, which means the story isn’t going to just fall apart. And none of Trump’s military advisers have defended him over it, meaning he has to worry about whether they’ll come forward against him.

So it’s perhaps not surprising that Trump is responding to the worsening scandal by whining more pitifully than ever, and by spinning an increasingly surreal imaginary conspiracy theory against him. For instance, take this Trump tweet from this morning:

“The Democrats, together with the corrupt Fake News Media, have launched a massive Disinformation Campaign the likes of which has never been seen before. They will say anything, like their recent lies about me and the Military, and hope that it sticks… But #MAGA gets it!”

This means Trump is curing the entire media – apparently including Fox News – of conspiring to publish phony stories with the aim of costing him the election. This is almost beyond words in its absurdity. The media doesn’t need to make up phony stories about Trump, because he’s a walking talking scandal.

It’s also notable that Donald Trump is all but begging his “MAGA” base not to believe their own eyes and ears when it comes to this story. He knows that a segment of his supporters are pro-military types who are having a hard time rationalizing their support for him in the wake of his deranged attacks on the military. When you’re already behind like Trump is, and you’re worried about losing existing supporters, you’re in trouble. Now let’s get to work on voter turnout and finish him off.

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