Donald Trump has meltdown over FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh

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Donald Trump has been caught trying to pull off yet another secret and dishonest scheme, and he’s apparently been forced to back down from his scheme. So now he’s doing what he does best when he’s losing: going dishonestly berserk about it, in the hope of muddying the waters and leaving everyone too confused to know what’s really going on.

It all started yesterday when NBC News reported that Trump had secretly placed strict limitations on the FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh, including prohibiting the FBI from pursuing Julie Swetnick’s allegations at all. Palmer Report pointed out at the time that because Trump’s secret scheme was being exposed, it was going to begin unraveling. Sure enough, by the end of the night, Trump posted a tweet instructing the FBI that it was free to pursue any Kavanaugh angles it wanted.

As we pointed out last night, according to legal experts, this tweet was legally binding order. Sure enough, the FBI then quickly leaked to the New York Times that it had begun investigating Swetnick’s allegation. Then came a confusing story from NBC News which claimed that the FBI is still limited in scope, but as we explained, this story was probably inaccurate. That brings us to Trump’s latest tweet today.

Here’s what Trump tweeted this afternoon: “Wow! Just starting to hear the Democrats, who are only thinking Obstruct and Delay, are starting to put out the word that the ‘time’ and ‘scope’ of FBI looking into Judge Kavanaugh and witnesses is not enough. Hello! For them, it will never be enough – stay tuned and watch!” So what does this even mean? That’s not at all clear, and that appears to be the point. When Trump tries to turn his antics into a scandal for the other side, it’s usually because he believes his antics aren’t working. In any case, when Trump tweeted last night that the FBI can do anything it wants on Kavanaugh, it was an official order – and there is every reason to suspect the FBI took it as one.

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