Donald Trump goes berserk after Melania Trump’s child cage stunt turns into a disaster

Donald Trump’s immigrant child cages scandal continues to get worse for him. Unprecedented public outrage forced him to partially surrender yesterday by signing an executive order watering down his scheme. Then his own Republican Party failed to pass a bill today that would have funded his border wall. Could things get any worse for him? Yes, because Melania Trump was about to step to the plate.

Melania decided to go visit these immigrant kids at a concentration camp, presumably to try to demonstrate that the Trump regime does in fact care about them. Of course her “visit” morphed into a mere photo op at a nearby shelter instead, aimed at giving the false impression that the shelter was the camp. But the real problem was that while she was on her way down there, she was wearing a jacket that said “I really don’t care – do you?” This backfired tremendously.

This wasn’t some evil genius distraction; it was simply a disaster. The whole point of Melania Trump’s trip was to make it look like the Trumps care about these kids. Instead, the narrative today ended up being “Trump has kids locked in cages and his wife thinks it’s hilarious.” Was Melania so desperate to sabotage Donald, she was willing to make herself look bad in the process? Who knows? But it spiraled downward so quickly, Donald was forced to jump on Twitter and post this piece of work:

“‘I REALLY DON’T CARE, DO U?’ written on the back of Melania’s jacket, refers to the Fake News Media. Melania has learned how dishonest they are, and she truly no longer cares!” This might actually be the dumbest tweet that Donald Trump has ever posted, which frankly at this point we didn’t think was possible. Literally no one is buying the idea that Melania was giving the finger to the media; the only debate is whether she was giving the finger to Donald, or to the immigrant kids. This scandal just keeps getting worse for Trump.

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