Matt Gaetz just screwed up and admitted the truth

There is no quicker lie a Republican can tell you beyond saying that “they’re a Republican because of fiscal matters” – either that or they actually do love idiotic wasteful spending, as the farcical House auction of Kevin McCarthy’s lipstick on Tuesday would tell you. In the distraction of hearing that story, however, there was one maniacal Freedom Caucus Republican who inadvertently told us the truth on Tuesday, and he almost got away with it: Rep. Matt Gaetz.

The GOP desperately wants us to believe they’re against wasteful spending, even though the last of their presidents who didn’t do it has been dead for over half a century now. Rather than compromise on the debt limit, Gaetz openly stated his adamant refusal to do so, declaring that it’s better his party do not negotiate with its hostage. The hostage he’s referring to when it comes to negotiations, of course, is the US economy, which defaulting would almost certainly tank. The GOP wanted to make this out about cutting the services that millions of Americans depend on, which wouldn’t make much of a difference when it came to saving money, but in the past, they’ve usually been smarter about covering this up.

Now that Gaetz, who electioneers have been trying to make the face of the GOP for a while now, has said what he said, it’s going to be a whole lot more difficult for Republicans to keep up their leverage. Let’s keep the heat on them and make sure we show them the door in 2024.

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