Matt Gaetz goes berserk

It is just astonishing to watch. The GOP is not just eating its own — it’s devouring them. Drip-drop. That is the sound of droplets of ink — dark and murky secrets –leaking forth from within the non-party.

The true selves of these smarmy human beings are escaping. And these selves are turning on each other with ferocity that’s so vicious it even leaves this writer stunned. It’s like in the blink of an eye, the curtain was yanked away.

The petty squabbling — the hate and mistrust — all of this is ripping through a non-party that is now turning in on itself. Nobody can get along. There is mistrust festering everywhere. How sweet it is, I must admit. The latest meltdown comes from Matt Gaetz.

Thursday evening, Gaetz lost whatever was left of his sanity during a virtual town hall.

Ranting as only Gaetz could rant, Matt unleashed a torrent of words against Kevin McCarthy, Steve Scalise, and Liz Cheney.

Gaetz accuses Liz Cheney of wearing her contempt for Trump as “a badge of honor.”

“I don’t back down. I’m not afraid of these people,” said Gaetz.

Gaetz also ranted that he was “tired of people lying about President Trump.”

“I’m not going to take it,” the high-haired Gaetz raged.

On and on he went.

“We need a healthy dose of truth,” Gaetz added.

Truth? Truth? From GAETZ? I doubt Matt Gaetz knows much about the truth.

This rant appeared to be triggered by a caller who phoned in to the virtual meeting and expressed sympathy for Matt.

I have no such sympathy for Gaetz or ANY of these rodents. The majority of them have no self-awareness and coupled with their inability ever to admit they’re wrong about anything, that makes for a party in free-fall.

And there isn’t any parachute to rescue them. Gaetz, McCarthy, all of them — have only themselves to blame for the situation they now find themselves in.

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