Mary Trump drops the hammer on Donald Trump’s worsening senility

Ignoring. That’s what Mary Trump says the media is doing regarding Trump’s cognitive decline. Mary Trump, who is also a psychologist, blamed the media for much of how people see President Biden and Trump.
She says the media is “obsessed” with labeling Biden as old while giving the Donald a free pass. It’s true. Let me pose a hypothetical question to you. If it had been BIDEN who forgot we had World War Two, Biden who thought Jeb Bush had been President, Biden who could not remember which town he was in., what do you think the media would have done?
“BIDEN’S MENTAL DECLINE GETTING WORSE.” Yes, it would have been all over, everywhere, in cities with blinding lights, on the lips of solemn pundits, in neon headlines in every damn newspaper in the country. “BIDEN SHOULD STEP ASIDE AS HE CAN’T REMEMBER THAT WE HAD A WORLD WAR TWO.”
Now recently the media has kinda sorta come around a bit (after Palmer Report was the first to pick up on and write about Trump’s mental decline. It is a myth people, that we have a media that favors the left. That was one lie Republicans got away with saying for a LONG time.
Mary Trump sees it and called it out on MSNBC. “What we don’t hear about is Donald’s increasing inability to remember where he is, or whom he ran against in the last election.” Mary Trump is a wise woman. SHE should run for something in the future.
This is why it is imperative we speak about Trump’s worsening cognitive decline. I’m sick to death of the media making up stories about Biden. There is nothing made up about Trump’s cognitive decline and I cited specific examples. So did Mary Trump, a psychologist who clearly sees what’s happening to Trump and wants the world to see it too.