Mark Meadows just did the dumbest thing possible

It’s one thing for Mark Meadows to try the low percentage play of trying to get his Fulton County criminal charges moved to federal court. Even though he’s unlikely to win, it can’t hurt to try, right? Actually it can hurt to try, quite a bit, when you’re as much of an idiot as Mark Meadows is.

Meadows made the groundbreakingly stupid decision to take the stand under oath during the hearing about moving the trial to federal court. During that testimony he appears to have committed perjury, which can disqualify his request and get him hit with additional criminal charges. But it gets stupider.

Meadows’ stated reason for going along with Donald Trump’s criminal plot to overthrow the election? He said that if he didn’t go along with it, “I know I would get yelled at” by Trump. No really, he said this, on the witness stand. This admission wipes out a whole range of reasonable doubt defenses that Meadows might have tried to use. Meadows just made it a whole lot easier to convict him at trial. Meadows keeps proving himself to be astoundingly stupid. Fiction writers would have a hard time coming up with this character and making it believable.

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