Marco Rubio has been reduced to groveling

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“I just want to start off by saying — I’m so sorry. I desperately need your support! Please, I’m begging!” Hello, dear friends and readers. The words above are not from me. They ARE, however, the words of a spineless coward, a flopping jellyfish who just got a BAD dose of reality when he looked at his poll numbers. These words are from Senator Marco Rubio.

The Floridian fool is seeing real trouble in his reelection numbers. This is likely because Rubio has not done one thing of value for ANY Floridian, and these people have noticed.

So, in a desperate last stand, Rubio has resorted to this. These words come from a fundraising email he sent out. The Senator is groveling like an infant. Begging and pleading for money, this email has stunned pundits everywhere — and it takes a lot to shock pundits.

But Rubio has done it! This APPEARS to be his last stand in a floundering campaign — and what a stand it is! Guilt his (few) supporters into sending money. Hell of a trick — perhaps he learned it from the Donald.

Now — the thing is, we have in Val Demings a candidate as good as can possibly be. But we NEED to get out the vote. And please tune out the doomsday narrative of the media who are twisting themselves into pretzels — some of them are — to deny this means anything good for the Democrats.

They do this obviously because the media loves nothing more than a good horse-race — good for ratings, or so they say.

But no amount of spin can mask the fact that Rubio’s campaign is spinning out of control — his numbers look bleak, and he obviously is aware of that fact. So let’s all sign up to help Val Demings! We are as close to taking back Florida as humanly possible — we just need to nudge her over the finish line.

In the meantime, here are a few more words from Rubio’s pathetic email for your viewing pleasure: “This is a disaster. A poll on Tuesday showed me losing to a former Trump impeachment manager.” And once more for the road: “Please, I’m BEGGING!”

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report