Rudy Giuliani is malfunctioning, and he just took it to a whole new level

Rudy Giuliani is malfunctioning. We can no longer think of any other way to describe him. He goes on cable news shows and sounds like his brain’s internal programming has failed him. If he were an actor playing a role, we’d criticize the writing for being too over-the-top. Even as Donald Trump was uncharacteristically silent on Saturday, Rudy stepped into the void and delivered a message that was, well, void.
Even though Rudy Giuliani is the criminal defense attorney for the (supposed) President of the United States, he seems to be receiving fewer cable news bookings of late. Perhaps that’s because he blew his credibility a long time ago with one semi-coherent lie after another, and now that the shock value of his meltdowns has worn off, he’s no longer even a ratings-friendly booking. That’s left Rudy trying to get his message across on Twitter, and let’s just say that it’s an even worse platform for him. Last night Rudy posted this tweet:
“Stay tuned as the Cohen-Davis team is rumored to be getting ready to release more surreptitiously recorded conversations. By the time Davis is”
Yep, that was the whole tweet. He just stopped mid-sentence. When he did post another tweet moments later, it was an entirely different train of thought. Even after several hours had passed, Rudy never did go back and finish his original thought. This is the same Rudy who rails against “Leekers” and thinks there’s someone in this scandal named “Daniel.” Considering how poorly this is all going for him, and how the pressure is mounting, it’s not shocking to see Rudy Giuliani malfunctioning like this. What is stunning, if not necessarily surprising, is that Donald Trump could hire an infinitely more competent criminal defense attorney to represent him, yet he sticks with this guy.
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