Major media outlets move to hold Kevin McCarthy accountable

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How utterly STUPID is Kevin McCarthy? My friends, I need to apologize for an error. My error was this: After Kevin humiliated himself by being passed over for speaker 14 times, I said to myself, “well, he can’t get any worse.”

I was wrong! And for that, I apologize because Kevin McCarthy is now a national humiliation for the GOP, and that is the truth. Since Kevin handed over the the tapes of the January 6 terrorist attack, Kevin has been ridiculed from here to Sunday. It’s been non-stop titters, laughter, incredulous exclamations, and the general agreement that the House of Representatives has a moron for a speaker.

And this story has legs. Everyone is pointing at it with glee. And now other news outlets — many of them — are demanding that Kevin share the footage with them too. Kevin McCarthy is a lawsuit waiting to happen. A letter has been sent to Kevin. It’s on behalf of ten media organizations, And they are demanding the footage. Here are some of the outlets included in this letter:








The letter was sent to McCarthy as well as other members of the house and senate. A request has also been made to see the footage under the freedom of information act. AP and the New York Times are involved with that request as are the organizations mentioned above.

What an utter idiot McCarthy is. I marvel that he could have even THOUGHT this would be a good idea. The brain fairies did not choose to gift him in that department, that’s for sure. And what of fox news? They’re already caught up in this dominion lawsuit. Do they REALLY need more negative press? So let’s do a recap on Kevin. Since the GOP took back the house, he:

Required 15 votes just to be elected.

He had to promise the moon, the stars, and his own soul to obtain the gavel.

Has been is unable to stand up and call out George Santos.

Has dumbly given January 6 footage to terrorist tucker.

Might be sued by Mike Lindell

Media organizations might sue him.

Might be ejected from the speakership at any time because of the “vacate the chair” motion.

Is inept.

Will go down in history as an utter and complete laughingstock.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report