Donald Trump just mailed it in

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– For a guy who claims to hate mailing ballots in, Donald Trump sure did mail it in during his press conference today. He looked and sounded like he didn’t really want to be there. He was just going through the motions. He made an ugly threat about not giving the vaccine to New York State because he doesn’t like the Governor, but all that did was make Trump look bad, and it’s not a threat that he can carry out.

– Operation warp speed? More like Operation warped president. This is just getting ridiculous. How many more Americans are going to die because Donald Trump got his feelings hurt?

– It turns out we weren’t the only ones who noticed that Trump almost said “hopefully the Biden administration” before catching himself. We’re hearing from plenty of you who interpreted it in the same way. Pundits on MSNBC are saying the same. Trump basically just admitted it’s over.

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