Americans are mad as hell at Trump’s Nazi regime, and they’re not going to take it anymore

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It was one thing to run a horridly disrespectful and demented campaign. It was a whole other thing to treasonously conspire with Russia to rig the election in his favor. But Donald Trump’s decision to abduct Hispanic immigrant kids from their parents, and lock them in cages inside concentration camps, has turned out to be the final straw for millions of mainstream Americans. Everywhere you turn, you see evidnce that America is mad as hell at Trump’s Nazi regime, and they’re not going to take it anymore. The latest example is quite striking.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders says she was just thrown out of a Red Hen restaurant by its owner. She’s surely eaten in this restaurant before, as it’s near her home. Based on the timing, it’s fairly clear that the Trump regime’s child cages were the last straw for the owner.

This comes just days after protesters chased Trump’s Homeland Security Director Kirstjen Nielsen from a restaurant. Before that, a congressional intern yelled “F—— you” at Trump when he was visiting the Capitol. This is all before getting to the people marching in protest near the camps, the millions of dollars that have been donated to aid the immigrant families, and the manner in which the issue has utterly taken over social media.

The American people are at their wit’s end when it comes to this monstrous freak show. Donald Trump has forced the issue by committing atrocities that no one thought were possible in 21st century America. Things have reached a point where Trump and his advisers can no longer even show their faces in public. The people are fully committed to using their First Amendment rights to drive this Nazi regime from power. It can’t happen soon enough. Even once Trump is in prison, we’ll be cleaning up this mess for the rest of our lives.

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