Donald Trump tosses yet another of his loyalists under the bus

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Most of people of any political intellect, whether they be on the left or the right or anywhere in between, see Donald Trump as a dangerous fraud and a lunatic. There have been a handful of political figures who have notoriously latched onto him, either because they’ve seen him as someone they can manipulate for their own agenda, or because they were true believers in the feces he was selling. Today we’re being reminded that even the most staunch Trump loyalists are receiving no loyalty from Trump in return.

Michael Anton was one of those rare conservative political operatives who truly seemed to believe that Donald Trump was the better option in this election, even as his colleagues were reluctantly admitting that they’d rather see a sane and competent liberal like Hillary Clinton in power. Anton was such a political wacko that he summed things up this way during the election: “A Hillary Clinton presidency is Russian Roulette with a semi-auto. With Trump, at least you can spin the cylinder and take your chances.”

Okay, so it’s not the greatest of praise, but this guy ended up being loyal to Donald Trump after the election, and for a brief moment, it seemed to pay off for him. Anton ended up with a seat on Trump’s National Security Council. But now that Trump is moving on to his third National Security Adviser, John Bolton, in what appears to be an opportunistic attempt at fending off the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Anton is suddenly out on his ass. Trump’s White House is confirming tonight that Anton is “resigning,” which in White House speak, probably means he was forced to resign.

Michael Anton surely ruined his career prospects in conservative intellectual political circles when he stuck his neck out and supported Donald Trump. Plenty of good it did him. Anton is now out of a job, and will have a hard time finding another good one, simply because Trump needed to shift the deck chairs yet again as his scandals close in on him. Considering that Anton was a Trump supporter, perhaps he deserved to come out on the wrong end of this. But it’s yet another reminder that things tend to end very badly for even the staunchest of Trump loyalists. Just ask Rick Gates, Michael Flynn, and everyone else Trump has thrown under the bus.

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