In Donald Trump’s deplorable interview on “Meet the Press,” he said something rather bizarre. The subject of abortion came up. Trump refused to endorse a national ban and claimed his fellow Republicans speak about abortion in a very inarticulate way. No, they don’t.

If there is one issue that Republicans speak VERY, very clearly on, it is this subject — the subject of their plans for women. They speak loud and clear about it. Now, Trump undoubtedly WANTS a national abortion ban. Of course, he does! Remember when he spoke to Hardball’s Chris Mathews and said some kind of punishment is needed for women who have abortions?

Trump may think he’s being slick when trying to weasel out of the abortion ban discussion. But it’s much too late for any Republican to change their minds now — and if any did, in fact, change their minds, it would only be for votes.

Let’s take a look at the GOP’s feelings on abortion and how cleanly and crisply they’ve spoken about this issue. And you might want to keep this list — and forward it to people who do not follow politics on a daily basis.

GOP — It’s up to the states.

Roe falls.

GOP — it’s not up to the states.

North Carolina — now has a 12-week abortion ban created by Republicans.

Ron DeSantis — passed a six week abortion, ban in Florida.

Tim Scott — has said he’d pass the “most conservative” abortion ban he could get through Congress.

Lindsey Graham — wants a bill limiting access to abortion and has said as much.

Mike Pence — backs an abortion ban and says it’s an idea “whose time has come.” In fact, he made these comments only a few days ago.

“We need to stand for the unborn all across America.”

And this is not even taking into account the horrible Texas bounty hunter law and all the other red states that have limited abortion or banned it altogether.

So this was yet another Trump lie — and it’s an easy one to call out because we have — we have the GOP’s own WORDS!

And this is why the GOP is trapped. The issue of abortion is their own trap door, and so far, they have been doing a remarkably effective job at falling through it. They keep getting creamed on the issue, even in red states by voters, many of whom are in their own party who want bodily independence far more than they want Republican rule.

So I just had to chuckle at Trump’s ridiculous chatter about how “ineffective” the GOP has been on this subject. No, they haven’t. They’ve been remarkably EFFECTIVE at stating what THEY want. It’s just few OTHERS want it.

They have come to the microphone and told the American people exactly what they want. They have told women EXACTLY what they have planned for them. Their message has been loud and clear — very clear. What they want is to set women’s rights back decades. It is not going to happen.

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