Lordy there are tapes

Bob Woodward’s released tapes about Donald Trump are chilling. If you read Woodward’s opinion piece in The Washington Post, you had the opportunity to listen to Trump in his own words, which he now claims was not his voice (eye roll). In one of the recordings, Trump is heard saying: “I hope you treat me better than Bush because you made him look like a stupid moron, which he was.” Well, what in the world does Trump look like after hearing these recordings? A wannabe dictator, a braggart who brags about things that were not his doing, and a denier of things he should have done to make this country better. Trump ran for office for Trump. Period. He had no intention of doing anything that would benefit the American people and instead spent the better part of his time sowing discord and lining his pockets.

Woodward’s tapes truly do reveal the “unparalleled danger” that Trump represents. Woodward revealed that he has never before disclosed raw interviews, but in Woodward’s own words, after listening to the tapes, he felt he had no choice. He gave us clear examples of that choice. When he talked to Trump about Coronavirus, Trump dismissed it: “The virus came along. That’s not my fault. That’s China’s fault.” Regardless of fault for the origin of the virus, it was Trump’s sole decision to sit on the information and allow the virus to run rampant. He lied about the dangers of the virus and its level of contagion, preventing people from protecting themselves against it. Even after his denials, Woodward asked if he ever asked himself whether Coronavirus was “the leadership test of a lifetime.” Trump’s one-word response said it all: “No.” Woodward calls that “no” “confident, dismissive, full of self-assurance,” as he sought to distance himself from any responsibility. That is not how presidents behave. Presidents’ first responsibility is the people whom they govern. When 9/11 happened, George Bush immediately jumped to action. You could see the concern on his face in pictures. Trump has no concern, no heart, and it is doubtful that he even has a soul. He is evil incarnate.

The point Woodward hoped to make by releasing these tapes is to give the full effect of Trump, his narcissism, his mental illness, and ultimately, his evilness. As Woodward pointed out repeatedly, you cannot get the full effect of Trump in writing. When you hear the cockiness and misplaced confidence in Trump’s voice, it gives the words a whole new meaning, a truer meaning of his intent. He is the same spoiled, rich, self-absorbed man he has always been, and he had no business in the White House. Taking that office gave him a taste of power, and it made him even more evil than he already was. He should never have been in office, and we have to make sure that he never again assumes any type of national office. If Florida wants him, they’re welcome to him, but the rest of us know we can do better.

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