Looks like the honeymoon is over for Mike Johnson

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

Mike Johnson’s “honeymoon” period as the new speaker has not been a honeymoon period at all. Instead, it’s been a sort of showcase for what I call: “Mike’s explanations.” Johnson has spent his time answering questions from the Press, scrubbing his social media of anything too toxic, and, in general, trying to convince people he’s — well — normal. He’s failing.

He is failing miserably, not just with THAT but with everything. The reason he is failing is that really odd people have a hard time PRETENDING to be normal. Somehow, someway, their oddities always make an appearance. And now the worst has happened for the strange Johnson. Marjorie Taylor Greene does not appear to like him.

Greene spoke to The Daily Caller. And she was piping mad at Johnson because he did not order Republicans to vote to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib. Now — you might know that Rashida and Mirage are bitter enemies. They never have liked one another, and the shit is hitting the fan bigly in that regard.

“He didn’t whip votes for it,” an angry Greene whined. “He told people to vote their conscience. So he was not supportive of it.” Greene also brought up her partner in slime, Matt Gaetz, and said they’d agreed that a new speaker who tried to fund the government or offer aid to Ukraine should be “ousted.”

Lovely! How nice to know Republicans have their priorities in order. Don’t fund the government and don’t help our friends seems to be what they are most focused on.

“I’ve been calling this place the House of hypocrites ever since I was elected,” Greene raged, unwittingly giving a particular writer (yours truly) a shiver of delight in finding a new nickname to level Republicans with — the House of hypocrites. Thanks, Maniac Marge!

Only Margie is PART of the House of hypocrites. There is no love lost in this crazy House with ANY of its Republican members.

They’re all odd ducks — — strange and bitter animals who turn on each other with regularity. Of course, we can take back the House in 2024! After all, right now, it’s the House of hell — full of losers, sycophants, and people with about as much intelligence as logs. But this does show potential doom for Mike Johnson. It seems nobody likes him – not even his own party.

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.