Looks like Donald Trump has turned against his lapdog Kevin McCarthy

It appears the relationship between Kevin McCarthy and former President Assolini is still not very good. In fact, per The Washington Post, it appears to be terrible. Per Business Insider, their relationship is “hot and gold.” Why is that? Well, assolini cannot forgive McCarthy for suggesting the insurrectionist should face a censure vote.

For my part, I think this comment was about the only thing Kevin has ever said that makes sense. But apparently assolini cannot get over what he perceives as a slight. And he has told many he will never forget it.

This cannot be welcome news to McCarthy, who has literally been falling over himself these past few months trying to get the orange tumor to like him again. Alas, Kevin’s efforts appear to be for naught. This, however, has not stopped McCarthy’s groveling. He has been shameless in his open sucking up, and just about everybody has noticed.

And supposedly, Trump has been badmouthing McCarthy. This does not appear to bother Kevin, who is openly bragging about taking back the House in the 2022 elections. I sense an implosion between the two men coming. As big a boot-licker as McCarthy is, nothing he does will ever be enough for Trump because Trump is a Narcissist and cannot be satisfied. It appears everybody knows this but McCarthy.

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