Looking for trouble

President Biden has repeatedly warned of Donald Trump’s propensity for violence. And on Tuesday, Trump let the American people know that President Biden is right. Trump was speaking to reporters. It happened in Washington DC just after the end of his Immunity Court hearing.

Trump predicted “bedlam” if he did not get said immunity. As Trump was starting to walk away from the reporters, a question was shouted at him, and Trump’s response speaks volumes.

“Mr. Trump, you just used the word bedlam. Will you tell your supporters now? No matter what, no violence?” Trump walked away silently and ignored the question. People who do not know the antisocial personality, people who do not know the inside of Trump’s smoldering inferno of a non-soul might have just assumed he did not hear the question.

He heard. He heard, and he did not care. Ask Trump to prevent violence? One might as well ask him to give up an arm or a leg. This is because, for people like them, violence is all that matters. As the presidential race begins to shape up, I still remain shocked at the naivete of so many, including pundits and some voters.

So many still think Donald Trump can be reasoned with, can be managed. They do not yet know and possibly never will know, that talking to Trump is akin to trying to hold on to a strand of sand as it slips through one’s fingers.

After all that we have been through — statements about ingesting bleach, the ripping of children from mothers’ arms, the stealing of classified documents, an insurrection — so much countless terror — there are STILL some people — too many for my taste — who persist in saying things like the following: “Do you think he’ll change?”

Or they just appear shocked when Trump does EXACTLY SOMETHING LIKE what any narcissist or antisocial personality would do. Asking Trump to call for peace, to exclaim that violence is NOT what makes up America — it’s like asking for wings to fly over the sea, like asking for all world hunger to be gone tomorrow. It’s asking for something that can’t be.

Anyone who imagines Donald John Trump can possibly act sane and compassionate — is asking for trouble. Any notion that Trump has it in him to love, to care, to prevent violence is a mirage, a phantom in the night, something that has no substance, that cannot be. I wish, at this point, everyone knew this.

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