Look what the cat dragged in

We all know there is a difference between being book smart and being intelligent. Take JD Vance, for example. Vance is unquestionably book-smart. The man went to Yale. He worked in Tech for years. It’s fair to say JD Vance is well-educated and probably extremely book-smart.

Vance is also not too bright. Both things can be true at the same time, as the following will undoubtedly illustrate. Vance appeared on the Bill Cunningham show, where he was asked a question that proves we are indeed living in a simulation. Speaking about children in schools, Cunningham waxed poetic about children who are choosing to: “identify as cats.”

“They bring kitty litter with them to school,” Cunningham explained. “Some identity as dogs,” he went on insanely. He asked Vance if he’d want to know if HIS kid decided to identify as a chipmunk.

Now you’d THINK any potential Senator would demand evidence of that startling accusation, right? They would at least demand to know what TYPE of dogs the kids are saying they are. Is it Dalmatians? Perhaps Lassie made an appearance, and it is collies that they think they are. Or could it be Sheep Dogs? That last one seems like a perfect fit for Vance himself.

Vance however chose not to do any of this however. Instead, he decided to take the question seriously, proving my earlier statement about not being to bright to be 100 percent correct.

“I think,” Vance said profoundly, “I very much am entitled to know that.” Oh, Ohio. I do feel for you if this sheep wins the Senate race. It’s just a crazy point we’ve reached in our country, Vance went on with Shakespearean brilliance.

So that is the story of the man who would be Senator. This is a Yale-educated, former Silicon Valley Tech worker who has just proven himself to be bat-shit crazy. Vance does seem like he is the type who would be the last to get the joke and would fall for any story, no matter how insane.

But kids bringing kitty litter to school and calling themselves dogs is insane, even for Vance. Maybe the cat just got his tongue, and he couldn’t find a decent reply. You can donate to Vance’s opponent, Democratic candidate Tim Ryan, here.

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