Lone Star Lunacy

Oh, Texas, Texas, what are we going to do with you? Texas is at it again. Their Lone Star lunacy reached new levels of crazy this week. Is anyone surprised? This concerns of all things — Science books. You read that right.

You see, Texas appears concerned that there is too much science in science books. The Texas Board of Education has made some decisions about their science books. The Board has demanded changes be made to several of these school books. What’s the problem? The problem appears to be “energy, fossil fuels, and evolution.”

Let us take a look together at some of the books that were banned because, after all, Texas would not BE Texas without a little bit of insanity. One Science book that was banned for the kids includes in its pages an exercise. In this exercise, the requirement is that kids write an essay about climate change.

The kids are supposed to write a warning about the effects of climate change. Alas, The Texas Board of Education appears terrified of that — not terrified of CLIMATE CHANGE but terrified of the kids writing about it.

Another textbook shows a picture of human beings and monkeys having similar ancestors. Well, faster than one could say: “Monkey Business”, ” Republicans had a freak-out. The picture must go! It appears to me Republicans do have a reason for doing all this. They want Texas children to grow up as stupid as they are.

One member of the Board had this to say: “America’s future generations don’t need a leftist agenda brainwashing them in the classroom to hate oil and natural gas.” Ah, oil — the staple of the Texas business world. Watching what is happening to Texas is a train-wreck. Republicans are becoming more and more out of touch with reality—every day.

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