Liz Cheney’s revenge

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Rep. Liz Cheney is turning the country upside down lately as well as perhaps cementing the idea that the twilight zone really has come to America. Cheney, in recent weeks, has endorsed democrats, campaigned for democrats, and spoken out for democrats.

And in her latest endorsement, Cheney endorsed Tim Ryan of Ohio over Republican JD Vance for Senate. This all has people buzzing. I witnessed one panel talking excitedly about what it all means the other night.

There are a few schools of thought. One is that Cheney is setting it up so that she can run for president in the future, either as a republican or independent. I could perhaps see her doing it as an independent. But she’s pretty much made herself the GOP’s ultimate enemy. I really do not see her ever running with an R next to her name.

Could she become a Democrat? I see this all over the place. This is merely my opinion, but I think not. I honestly cannot imagine this woman ever turning on some of her right-wing positions. And one of them is being adamantly pro-life. And as wistful as the tone is, I just cannot see her putting a D beside her name.

One can always wonder, and strange things have been known to happen, but it strains credibility. She would really have to do an about-face to make that happen. I simply do not see it. I could see her running as an independent though solely to take votes away from whatever Republican election denier runs in 2024. That I could see.

But for now — only for now –until we know what the future holds Cheney is our ally. She is helping us a lot. And though I would never vote for her, I smile at the obvious dismay of the GOP as they watch one of their own throws it in with us. Revenge is, after all, so very sweet.

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