Legends of the fall

Let’s talk about control freaks. “Control freaks tend to have a psychological need to be in charge of things and people — even circumstances that cannot be controlled.” Being a control freak never leads to anything good. Throughout history, the books are filled with control freaks — Kings and dictators, Royal monarchs, dysfunctional leaders of all types, destined to go down in history as the control freaks that they were — and are.

Donald Trump is a control freak. Donald Trump is a case of one of the worst control freaks this world has ever seen. Donald wants to control everything and everyone. It’s just another of his significant dysfunctions, joining an already crowded line of Trump defects.

When Trump won Iowa, he gave a speech. Several networks refused to air it. Rachel Maddow put it very well. The network made a decision not to air falsities. And everyone knows Trump can’t SPEAK without saying something false. So Trump heard about this non-airing. And faster than one could say controlling asshole, he was demanding NBC and CNN be off the air.

They should have their licenses revoked, a furious Trump screeched in futility. See, that’s the thing. Trump’s whole life is one big futile failure. He wants what he wants when he wants it; he’d like to take what he can when he feels like it; he has no concept of free will and personal independence, no clue that decisions can be made that he won’t like.

So, being the baby man he is, he lashes out. Does Trump know that even as he yells and carries on, he leaves markers? These markers are our history books. We, the people, make our own realities and our own histories.

Right now, with every tantrum Trump has, he is leaving a new marker for historians, for history buffs, who will read with interest about the little orange criminal who couldn’t control jack shit.

Trump went on this diatribe in New Hampshire. He appeared in a frenzy simply because a couple of TV stations did not air his speech. His ego is SO fragile and delicate that it snaps like a rubber band if even one thing happens — one small thing that he doesn’t like.

“They’re crooked, dishonest, and should have their licenses taken away.” Oh, the tales our historians will write! The legend of Donald Trump will never die, but it won’t be the legend he wants.

It will be the legend of yet another failed control freak, taking his place in history beside Hitler, Stalin, Ivan the Terrible, Putin, and many others. It will be the legend of a spoiled bobblehead who angrily quakes when he can’t get what he wants, who causes mayhem and insurrections. That’s all he’ll be remembered for besides being a traitor.

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