Legal expert: Kimberly Guilfoyle will be criminally charged

Even with Vladimir Putin’s deadly antics deservedly grabbing most of the headlines right now, the January 6th Committee is continuing to plow forward with its work of holding Donald Trump accountable for the insurrection. Earlier this week Donald Trump Jr.’s fiancée Kimberly Guilfoyle abruptly bailed on what would have been voluntary testimony. So today the committee subpoenaed her. She appears to have no intention of complying.

Former FBI Assistant Director Frank Figliuzzi pointed out on Twitter that this is rather straightforward under the law. Even as Trump White House figures like Mark Meadows make bogus “privilege” claims that the DOJ has to wade through and shoot down before being able to bring winnable contempt charges, Kimberly Guilfoyle doesn’t even have a faulty privilege argument to make.

Figliuzzi went on to state that if Guilfoyle doesn’t back down and testify, “she will be held in contempt – and then charged.” Such a charge comes with a comparatively short prison sentence, but a prison sentence nonetheless. This leaves Guilfoyle in the no-win position of either having to testify to Congress against those around her, or end up on criminal trial with prison time attached.

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