Lauren Boebert’s arrest history is just the beginning

The nine individuals stood under the hot lights, some showing bits of perspiration. It was stretching into a long night. The people who were there to hear them talk, wore attentive looks as they strained to listen to ALL of these nine people. These nine had been answering questions all night. But all of a sudden a question was asked of ALL of them, asking those who answered yes to raise their hands.,

A serious question was asked of them. How many of you have been arrested? Six out of the nine pairs of hands went up. No, this wasn’t an old episode of “The Sopranos.” Nor was it a parole hearing. What it WAS, was the Republican Colorado primary debate.

A crime lover’s biggest fantasy. Six in nine! Lauren Boebert was one of them. These are the people that the audience has the pleasure of voting for in the GOP Colorado primary.

I know it’s the wild west but really Republicans. That’s taking it to a whole other level. Is this the expected behavior these days? Did I miss something? What are the ODDS? Six in nine.

And then there was the audience themselves. Now, had it been I, dear readers, or yourselves, would we not have cringed in horror? “Yeahhhh!!!” Applause broke out as the audience broke into wild clapping on Thursday evening. These were THEIR kinds of people. Politicians bragging about — being arrested?

Stupidity lives everywhere, even in the beauty of the sweeping mountains. These people are the party who says they “back the blue.” This is the supposed party of law and order.

Take a good look at em. You might not be able to for long, as they’re heading into Whig territory, I think. Six in nine. Boebert, by the way, humiliated herself by not even making it into the top three in the Straw poll. Six in nine. We should be grateful, perhaps that it wasn’t all of them..

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