Kirstjen Nielsen’s visit to Trump’s immigrant concentration camps is a total debacle

Donald Trump’s Homeland Security Director Kirstjen Nielsen made herself one of the faces of Trump’s immigrant concentration camps when she stepped to the White House briefing room podium and dishonestly defended the abusive and illegal scheme. Since that time, protesters have confronted her at a restaurant and outside her home. Now she’s decided to visit one of the immigrant camps, and let’s just say that it turned out to be quite an insulting farce.
Nielsen made a secret visit to one of Trump’s camps, but it didn’t remain secret for long, and the details ended up being relayed by the Intercept. It reports that the mothers in the camp were relocated to a distant soccer field during her visit, so that when they yelled out to her about their missing children, she wouldn’t be able to hear them.
It’s not immediately clear if Nielsen ordered that the mothers be relocated because she didn’t want to be bothered by them during her visit, or if someone else in the Trump regime had the mothers relocated for fear that their cries for help might have an effect on Nielsen. Either way, this visit was a choreographed sham and a debacle.
It’s not clear what Kirstjen Nielsen hopes to accomplish by not only remaining on the job, but by continuing to make herself the face of Donald Trump’s immigrant child abduction scandal. Her reputation is forever ruined, she’ll never land another respectable job again, she’ll face protesters and scorn for the rest of her life, and the deeper she sinks into this mess, the more her life will be ruined by it. Perhaps her racism is more important to her than anything else.