Donald Trump’s downward spiral costs him yet another key White House adviser

Donald Trump has been hemorrhaging personnel for as long as he’s been in politics. He’s lost top advisers to scandal, resignation in protest, even prison. Now that he’s gone into full on berserk mode, it’s getting worse. For the second time in as many days, Trump has lost yet another key White House adviser at an inopportune time – and in both instances, the departures appear to be a result of something going very wrong on Trump’s end.

First, Donald Trump tweeted that his prized White House attorney Emmet Flood was resigning as of June 14th. This was shocking, considering that Flood is one of the foremost experts at invoking executive privilege, at a time when Trump’s executive privilege battles with Congress are heating up. Flood is bailing just as the thing he was brought in to handle is unfolding. That means something went very wrong between Trump and Flood behind the scenes. But now it turns out Flood isn’t the only one running for the hills.

Last night Donald Trump posted this tweet: “Kevin Hassett, who has done such a great job for me and the Administration, will be leaving shortly. His very talented replacement will be named as soon as I get back to the U.S. I want to thank Kevin for all he has done – he is a true friend!”

You may not be familiar with Kevin Hassett, but he’s Donald Trump’s handpicked Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers. Considering the timing, it’s not difficult to parse that his departure is likely related to Trump’s decision this week to abruptly roll out disastrous tariffs on Mexican goods as part of his ongoing war on immigration. Trump just keeps losing key people at an accelerating rate. The worse his downward spiral gets, the more people are bailing on him.

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