Kevin McCarthy’s bulb just burned out

Despite all of the hype behind Kevin McCarthy being dangerously smart and a rising star of the GOP for the last decade, we’ve seen a very different McCarthy become Speaker of the House – something that took 15 rounds of voting before he even took on the role.

He’s weak and has no control over the most insane members of his party, which ultimately means there’s no real difference between a moderate Republican and a far-right MAGA Republican, and he hates everyone in the party’s leadership who knows that he has his arm twisted. In all of this desperation, it’s hardly a wonder that he passed a bill on the debt limit with a whole lot of embarrassing cuts that he knows won’t get through the Senate – things like cutting off who’s eligible for food assistance and veterans’ benefits.

It’s not really surprising that McCarthy managed to get this passed with two votes and only the craziest of crazies voting against it for not going far enough, it’s the fact that he had to do it by begging for votes and admitting to his colleagues that whatever they vote for won’t matter because it will be dead on arrival long before it ever makes it to President Biden’s desk.

We all knew McCarthy was a spineless coward who can’t get anything accomplished – but what’s surprising about this is how he’s not even trying to hide it anymore. Let’s show him the door in 2024 and get Hakeem Jeffries elected Speaker of the House.

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