Kevin McCarthy somehow loses even more votes

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The hourglass stood alone, moments and seconds enclosed within, and the golden sands quickly emptied as the passage of time worked its magic. The hourglass has only a bit of sand left before the day its creator — Kevin McCarthy — goes behind house doors to learn the decision of whether his dream of being House Speaker will become a reality.

A quantity of sand can tell a story, and this sad story is telling of a man whose time to achieve his feverish dream is coming to an end. Weeks turn to a few days. Soon it will be mere hours, then seconds. The hourglass whispers to Kevin. “January 3.” That is the date that will either crown McCarthy — or topple him.

What will take place behind the ominous door of the house divided? If a new report by CNN’s Lauren Fox is to be believed, the hourglass has run way too low. According to this report, Kevin has lost more votes.

It reportedly happened over the holiday when several House members who had previously supported him withdrew their support. “More defections.” That is what Lauren Fox said may have happened.

Poppy Harlow had this to say: “This morning time is running short, not out yet, but short for McCarthy. Some conservatives are arguing behind the scenes that there are more concerns growing,” Fox said.

This isn’t just bad news for McCarthy — it’s horrible. Time will not wait for McCarthy. He has only a short time remaining to work a miracle. Where is he right now? What is he thinking? Do YOU think McCarthy has it in him to be a “miracle worker?”

Of course, he could still prevail before the hourglass runs its course — before the sands of time empty. But Kevin does not usually do well in times of stress. On the contrary, that is when he usually blows it.

And Kevin’s time — his moment of reckoning — is, with the speed of a ship, roaring ever closer. The sands in the sparkling hourglass are flowing and streaming outward as McCarthy’s dream vanishes right before his eyes.

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